april's fool! is this for real or just a joke?!
had coffee with doris, thomas and eric last night at tcc and the topic came around to my long neglected blog.
both doris and eric expressed disappointment with my lack of updates. eric even jested that he visits here everyday in the hopes of seeing a new entry! :) let's see when he reads this! :P
i retorted that i will start writing again when i can get paid subscriptions to my blog! haha...
the truth is that i've been pretty much busier with work [and life] since last june. and i thought it would be better spending whatever little time that i have living it rather than writing about it, right?
then again, i'm touched by friends who had commented that they enjoy reading my blog entries, regardless of how mundane some of them can be. many thanks to them for the encouragement!
i love to write here because it affords me an outlet and free rein to whatever that's occupying my mind right now. a window to my soul, so to speak.
and also when you put pen to paper [well, in this case it's fingers to the keyboard], i find that i actually give much deeper thought to what i'm writing about. a chance to ruminate on what's happening in my life. and a permanent record of my existence in this world! haha...
so what prompted this entry? did what doris and eric say last night make a difference?
maybe it helped but it was this
clip that i saw this morning that touched me somehow...
i hope i've made a difference to my family and friends.