the whole nation is now fixated with the pay & bonu$ of the ceo of nkf, and his other perk$.
for the record, he'$ paid s$25,000 a month and ha$ been rewarded with 10 to 12 month$ of bonu$ yearly for the la$t 3 year$.
exce$$ive? maybe...
well-de$erved? definitely.
i'm playing the devil'$ advocate here. imagine thi$...
you did well in your job. your manager i$ very happy with your performance and rewarded you well above the norm. how would you feel if $ome auditor$ or $enior management come$ around later to $ay that you've been paid/rewarded excessively?
i mean, come on. you were rewarded for your out$tanding performance. you didn't exactly a$k for it. it'$ like being penali$ed for a job done well.
$ounds unfair, right? doe$ working in a non-profit organi$ation change$ thing$ that much?
like it or not, the popular $aying "if you pay peanut$, you'll get monkey$" hold$ true. and you're talking about getting $omeone to run nkf, a very $ucce$$ful charitable operation lauded not just in $ingapore but around the world too.
come to think of it that'$ the $ame ju$tification given when we pay our minister$ a more than decent pay package 'co$ talent$ command a premium and $uch talent$ e$pecially valuable & mobile in our little red dot of an i$land $houldn't be expected to make too big a $acrifice when they come forth to $erve the country.
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