Saturday, January 26, 2008

gouty arthritis

yup, it's confirmed that the swollen toe joint that i had last week was due to high uric acid level in my blood. the blood test had returned a result of 8.9 mg/dL, quite a bit higher than the normal range of 3.4 to 7.0 mg/dL.

right now, the gp has recommended dietary control to see if the uric acid level can be kept in check. basically it is to avoid purine-rich food and to stay well-hydrated at all times.

additionally, exercise will also help to metabolise the uric acid. that means that i should get back onto my usual workout routine since i've more time now. :P

will do a follow-up blood test in 2 month's time to monitor if there's any improvement. if it falls within the normal range, then medication is not required.

cheers to good health in 2008!

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