Thursday, July 29, 2010

kenzo tange

丹下健三 was a world-renown architect with his works spanning across all continents but do you know that he also left his mark on singapore's cityscape as well?

ntu, oub centre, indoor stadium and uob plaza are but a few of the his more prominent projects that dot our little island. in fact, i didn't know he was behind the design of oub centre until i read that paul tange (his son) is the architect responsible for the new extension that's being built now.

and it seems that he is continuing in his father's legacy in the 2 upcoming developments in downtown somerset area, with an iconic glass overhead bridge spanning across orchard road.

this is truly "following in the footsteps" of one's father... and how many can lay claim to continuing his father's work like what paul is doing for the oub centre which will be renamed one raffles place when the extension is completed?

awesome to be an architect, isn't it?

photo credit: the business times

Monday, July 26, 2010

new look

i like colourful mosaic tiles.

this is a major overhaul in looks for the blog. a departure from the previous spare and almost bland template.

maybe i'm compensating for my less than colourful writings. :P

Sunday, July 25, 2010


never heard of this city in west virginia in the us until i read the saturday special report in the papers on yesterday. it seems that it has been labelled as america's fattest city, rightfully or wrongly the label had stuck since an associated press report in 2008.

have you seen an xxl tee? i guess that's the usual oversized tee we usually see around here but you can find 10xl tees at workingman's store in huntington! gosh... can't imagine how big that is.

and the jeans that can fit waistlines up to 182cm! that's 4cm more than my height!

all these were blamed on the following:
  1. an increasingly sedentary lifestyle
  2. the prevalence of cheap processed food
  3. the aggressive marketing of fat- and sugar-laden fast food, fizzy drinks and snacks and
  4. the decline of home-cooking in dual-income households

it appears that such a confluence of factors are also increasingly found in asia. will there be a day when xxl tees be commonplace and no longer the biggest size available here? where people's height can be shorter than their waistlines?

i hope not.

photo credit: chua chin hon, the straits times

election's coming?

the straits times' insight team is betting on a december '10/january '11 or april/may '11 date for the next general election here.

let's see when the men-in-white deem the ground is sweet enough for the picking... :)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

a maze

it's janelle and jarad celebrating their birthdays at safra jurong and all the kids are invited for a fun workout at kidz amaze. the decibel levels is truly amazing! even the kids thought it was too noisy. so you can imagine the din all the kids were making.

i guess the kids enjoyed themselves pretty much except maybe cayden who was somehow mistaken to be food by a little boy. poor cayden, he cried so loudly even ethan was affected and started crying.

talking about ethan... he's totally adorable and fun to play with but still very much stranger-unfriendly. :(

didn't stay too long 'cos i got the tickets to attend the ndp ne show with compliments from amy.


Friday, July 23, 2010


another word that i came across recently...

seems to be similar to discombobulate in meaning.

find out more here.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

considering the unprecedented amount of rainfall that caused the flash floods in orchard road within 2 months, is it any wonder that mas is revising our economic growth forecast for the year to between 13 and 15%? :P

and we could be the fastest growing economy in the world for 2010!


Sunday, July 04, 2010

ethan is one

chubby ethan is so cute!!!

he seems to be in great mood today allowing everyone to carry him. likes to laugh, eat and crawls around happily.

knows how to look for daddy & mummy and point to his backside when asked to. haha... :)

check out the party's pictures here.