thomas couldn’t believe his ears. i couldn’t help but laughed at his tortured reaction.
we had to reassure him that it’s a very short route lasting not more than 30 minutes.
johann joined us sporting his new toy. a gadget from polar that will monitor his heart rate and measures the distance he covers.
it was a more peaceful walk compared to the treetop walk. there is a rather cool section where the boards actually extend over shallow waters.

and then johann revealed that he had been reading my blog!
he’s the first jcgang member to tell me so. now is doris’ turn to not believe her ears and she demanded to know why i didn’t tell her that i had been blogging.
my reply? it’s for the observant folks only. haha… :)
johann commented that i didn’t really blog about him except for mentioning him as the father of janelle. haha… trust him to be jealous of his own daughter.
talking about janelle… diane told me about the sweetest thing she did.
she had brought a recent copy of 8days to diane and excitedly exclaimed, “uncle mun yue, uncle mun yue!” while pointing to the picture of hong junyang, one of the project superstar finalists.
didn’t know there’s any resemblance between the 2 of us. anyway, i shall remember to buy her some nice cookies the next time i see her. :)
doris also asked if i’ve got any sponsorship deals like xiaxue.
i was like, huh? how to?
i don’t get traffic of 10,000 visitors like her… perhaps i should change my blog’s name to xiayu [raining]… write something bad about a kuala lumpur trip… blog controversial remarks on the use of handicapped toilets and use *&%$#@ or some colourful dialect expletives. :P haha…
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