Thursday, June 25, 2009

national cancer centre

didn't know that cgh actually makes appointment for its patients to visit the national cancer centre for consultations. they actually send my 二舅there accompanied by a nurse for his appointment. My mum and i went along to see what the oncologist have to say.

after evaluating 二舅's case. the oncologist decided against chemotherapy as he thinks that 二舅will not be able to withstand the toll the treatment will take on his body. he's concerned that chemo will hugely compromise 二舅's immunity system making him highly susceptible to infections.

next, we had to see the radio-oncologist who decided on a 7-week course of radiotherapy that has a 40% chance of eradicating the tumour in 二舅's throat. the treatment will only start next month after some prep work such as getting a face mask done. meanwhile 二舅will continue with his liquid diet since the therapy will also impair his swallowing ability in the short term.

and that's how we spent almost the entire day at the centre.

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