Tuesday, March 28, 2006

ge coming

unless you’ve been holed up in a cave elsewhere, you would probably have known that the biggest event of the local political scene is very likely to happen sometime this year.

the men-in-white have been busy going around shaking hands during weekends and the party had started to introduce new faces at such events. and as much as the gahmen vehement denial that this year’s budget is an election year budget, the progress package will no doubt sweeten the ground nicely for them.

my constituency has been absorbed into a grc. commentators had speculated that the incumbent mp is probably retiring and the new face will piggy-back on the cabinet minister leading the team into the parliament.

since my eligibility to vote more than 10 years ago, i’ve only exercised my citizenship’s rights only once during the last election. prior to that, no opposition members had contested the ward.

i hope that the opposition can put up a credible team to stand against the miw, so that election day will not be a non-event for me. :)

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