Friday, August 12, 2005


heard from the news earlier that the 13-year cycle for nsmen has been shortened to 10 years.

yay! seldom there's any cause for celebrations from the news.

declaring 27th aug a public holiday for presidential elections doesn't count. anyway, there wouldn't be one now since we only have 1 eligible candidate. that's right, there goes our chance to exercise our rights as citizens in a democratic state. oops, i digressed.

actually, it's not that i hate in-camp trainings. i really do enjoy the annual reunions with the folks that have become friends through the course of the many icts. and of course the break away from work. hehe... :P

just that it's such a chore to lug my barang-barang [since i don't drive] to some ulu camp that's so inaccessible by public transport. yes, there's only 1 bus service plying the route. and you can't get any cabs from the camp.

of course the ippt doesn't exactly make the ict a walk in the park but at least i can do something about it.

hmm... maybe, just maybe... i should find a better paying job so that i can afford a car.

but first, i need to learn to drive first. :)

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