Monday, September 12, 2005

sedition act

wow… have to be careful what i write here… didn’t know that i could be charged under the sedition act.

i’ve got no idea what that is until i read it in the papers. even had to check out the meaning of 'sedition' online at merriam webster.

sedition [n]: incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority

i’ve not read any of the blogs but i think the authorities is rather heavy-handed in this instance, seems that they’ve over-reacted.

for the record, yes i think it’s irresponsible and insensitive to write anything that goes against the multi-cultural/racial/religious nature of our society in singapore.

but why the difference in treatment between these 2 guys & the scholar who were asked to apologise and retract his racist statements previously?

shall see what's the outcome of the case in 2 weeks' time.

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