Thursday, November 10, 2005

child of our time

this interesting documentary tracks 20 different children for 20 years starting from the time they’re born around year 2000 to attempt to answer the question “are we born or made?”

tonight’s programme asked the little ones whether they would like their dads to be handsome or kind. all the girls wanted theirs to be kind while the boys wanted theirs to be handsome.

this question was supposed to determine the emotional maturity of the child. the girls’ answer showed that they’re more mature while the boys just wanted a trophy dad.

so it’s already evident from the young age of 5 that girls are indeed more mature than boys of the same age!

i know you gals will be like...

duh! this type of thing still need to test one meh?! hehe...

catch the season finale [for the time being] next thursday @ 10:00pm on arts central if you're interested.

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